
I thought I’d drop a ‘Hello and Welcome’ to my new friends, connections and followers - it’s a joy to know you

Here’s me Geet Fateh Kaur and Pura Vida Your Life, this is a world away from the 27 years I spent working in Human Resources in the Corporate world and building my own HR Consultancy

I have been on quite a journey to get here – the story of me - growing up in the 70’s with not a lot of money, trying to find employment in the 80’s, being a teenage mum in the 80’s, being a single mum in the 90’s, building a career in the 00’s… leaving the corporate world and a successful HR Career to HR Director for a Global Company, to start out on my own in HR and then leaving all that behind me to stand in my truth today as a Medicine Woman, Shamanic Practitioner, Energy Healer & Sound Alchemist (yes, this is my actual ‘job’) This is ME

All of this brought failures and successes… I’ve lived in poverty and I’ve lived in prosperity… I’ve been married and divorced in my early 20’s, lost two babies in 2 ectopic pregnancies in my early 20’s had my car repossessed, fallen into debt and almost had my home repossessed twice…. I thought all of that broke me..

BUT it made me, none of that made me a lesser person - it made me human…. I’ve struggled, I’ve been blocked, bullied, abused, traumatised, broken, heart-broken, challenged by adversity, I’ve been to my own version of hell….

And dragged myself out of the darkness of anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts and plans to end it all, stamped out addictions to over consume food, alcohol, drugs and material objects, damaging decisions and broken habits that kept me prisoner in a self-fulfilling prophecy of self-loathing, and silencing the all consuming thoughts that enslaved me into suffering and turmoil

This is why I AM, and who I AM today, all these ‘experiences’ - the story of me - means that I understand YOU, I totally empathise with what YOU’RE going through or gone through.. I get YOU… I SEE YOU I HEAR YOU I FEEL YOU

This is why it’s such a joy to welcome beautiful souls to my offerings in Coventry & Warwickshire for Group and 121 sessions and ceremonies..

Come join me at Serenity Space for our monthly Alchemy Sound Healing Gong Immersions, to help you to deeply relax and bring you back into balance.

It’s an honour to be in-service and of-service to help people to turn a corner and transform their life’s This is why I pour so much love, care and attention for each person in all of my offerings

Pura Vida!

In love and gratitude… Geet Fateh Xxx

Pura Vida Your Life


Vitality Retreat


Aromatherapy Consultations